X-Mas eve but also my God Son's 3rd birthday. I will celebrate with friend who have kids so it's better to be comfortable so I can play with them.

Jeans: Ashley Stewart
Blouse: Addition Elle
Belt / Ceinture: Addition Elle
Owl / Hibou: Forever 21
Bracelets: Artisants / Street vendors
Blouse: Addition Elle
Belt / Ceinture: Addition Elle
Owl / Hibou: Forever 21
Bracelets: Artisants / Street vendors

L'amour de ma vie, mon filleul Noah qui a eu 3 ans le 24 décembre, mais il sera vraiment fêté avec tous ses amis le 3 janvier!
The love of my life, Noah my Godson who turned 3 on Dec 24th, he'll have a proper b-day party on Jan 3 with all his daycare friends!
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