Je me suis ensuite dirigé vers Aldo, j'ai trouvé une paire de ballerines noires qui me plaisaient bien et il y avait bien un sac qui me faisait de l'oeil mais j'ai choisi de prendre que les chaussures à 60$ je passe à la caisse et la caissière me dit 14$, j'ai donc aussi pris le sac lui aussi soldé à 14$. A&E m'a peut être découragé mais au moins Aldo vallait bien la peine.
It's Sunday, it's cold but I have an A&E gift certificate to spend. I head to plaza St-Hubert because I also want to drop by Aldo warehouse. I wanted to get myself a new winter coat, but nothing was really interesting. So I probably tried 20 items to finally buy a belt. I had seen it at 35$ but today it ended up costing me 6$.
I then went to Aldo and saw a pair or black flats I liked. On my way to the cash I spotted a purse but decided to come back another day for it. The shoes where 60$ I get to the cash and the cashier tells me 14$, So I also took the bag that was discounted at 14$ also.
A&E was less then interesting today but Aldo was worth the stop.

Définitivement une tenue du jour qui ne mérite pas sa seconde de gloire. J'étais un peu pressée et surtout pas motivée. Voilà ce que ça donne. Vive le dimanche!
Definately an outfit that doesn't deserve a second of glory. I was in a rush and totally unmotivated today. So this is the result. Gotta love Sundays!

Top: Addition-Elle
Jeans: Winners
Black flats / Ballerines noires: Puma
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